
俱乐部 & 活动


  • 坛上的服务器

    (年) The Altar servers’ program is a group of Hayes students who serve Mass and other liturgical celebrations at Hayes during the school year.
  • 艺术俱乐部

    (年) The 艺术俱乐部 is for any student who has an interest in cartooning, 漫画, 视频游戏, 绘制和创造视觉故事.  
  • 红衣主教的球员

    作为学校最古老的社团之一, The 红衣主教的球员 is a select group of young talented Thespians who carry on the tradition of dramatic live performance.  
  • 红衣主教的歌手

    (年) The 红衣主教的歌手 is an after school club which meets every Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:35 in Room 236.  The 红衣主教的歌手 perform concerts during Christmas and spring seasons.  
  • 红衣诗学会

    The 红衣诗学会 meets weekly in Room 302 with Mr. 鲁伊吉马良斯. 
  • 通道H

    通道H is the video production club at 红衣主教海斯高中. 
  • 国际象棋俱乐部

    (所有年) The CHHS 国际象棋俱乐部 is an award winning club that participates in interschool competition where players of all levels can come in and play for prizes
  • 城市风光

    城市风光 is an annual publication that showcases the best writing and art from the Cardinal Hayes student body.  
  • 环保俱乐部

    (年) The 环保俱乐部 is an organization whose purpose is to promote environmental awareness among the Cardinal Hayes community and to participate in events which enhance the natural environment of the New York City area, 尤其是布朗克斯.  
  • 特殊儿童项目

    (年) The 特殊儿童项目 was established during the 1960’s by Monsignor Vic Pavis, 海耶斯前校长.  
  • 游戏俱乐部

    (年) The 游戏俱乐部 is an afterschool activity geared towards providing a safe and fun environment to play cards and board games.  
  • 吉他俱乐部

    (年) Students exchange ideas about guitar playing and some of the musical aspects of the music that they want to share.  有时是通过分享想法, students often come up with their own song that they have written or created.  
  • 爵士摇滚乐团

    (全年)学生们就爵士音乐交换意见, current trends and musical aspects of the music that they want to share.  作为一个整体, every member must learn to work with other instruments to create a cohesive performance.  
  • 红衣主教海斯的拉丁社会

    (年) The Latino Society is dedicated to the improvement of students through cultural and communal activities, strengthening bonds within the community and expanding individual perspectives.  
  • 军乐队

    The Cardinal Hayes 军乐队 is the preeminent cadre of talented Hayesmen that represents the school at a variety of events in and around the Metro Area.  
  • 全国荣誉学会

    (二年级的学生, 初中, Seniors) The 全国荣誉学会 (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students.  NHS members are those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, 领导, 服务与品格.  
  • 摄影俱乐部

    (年) The Hayes 摄影俱乐部 welcomes all those who are interested in photography from the novice to the expert. The 摄影俱乐部 will take pictures at various events to make sure everyone gets a glimpse of what the festivities are like, 即使我们不能参加. 
  • 总统的男人

    “总统手下”成立于2012年秋天.  The purpose of the program was to select an elite group of seniors who would represent the president, Fr. Joseph Tierney, wherever needed throughout the academic year
  • 萨尔萨舞俱乐部

    (年) The 萨尔萨舞俱乐部 meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:30, 新学年的头三个月.  Meetings take place in Room 145, or in the Regis Philbin Auditorium.
  • 舞台工作人员

    (年) Cardinal Hayes 舞台工作人员 works to provide assistance in the smooth running of school events.  他们与行政部门携手合作, 教师, departmental and club chairs to provide technical help in stage management, 灯光和设置许多学校活动.  
  • 学生谘询委员会

    (年) The 学生谘询委员会 is devoted to the betterment of all Hayesmen. They accomplish this goal through a variety of activities for the good of Hayes and the community.  It is comprised of a select group of students who exemplify dedication to service and academic excellence.
  • 学生会

  • 学生会

    (年) The 学生会 is a group of elected student leaders which determines the wishes and the desires of the student body and makes them known to the administration and 教师 of the school.
  • “挑战者”号

    (哥伦比亚大学学术出版社协会会员)(全年) Journalism is an activity designed for highly motivated students who wish to understand and participate in the generation, 收集和编辑最近的报告, previously unknown and noteworthy events for presentation in the media. 
  • 旅游俱乐部

    The 旅游俱乐部 is a diverse group of students that have at least one thing in common, a love of traveling and/or a very strong desire to travel (hopefully in the near future). Every year Hayes students take a trip abroad to experience life in a different culture. 近年来,我们访问了德国, 英格兰, 捷克共和国, 波兰, 匈牙利, 意大利, 希腊, 西班牙, 法国, 秘鲁, 日本, 和哥斯达黎加. 
  • 年鉴俱乐部

    (年) 海耶斯年鉴俱乐部 是由. 亚历杭德罗. The assembly of the annual yearbook is a substantial creative and publishing undertaking that intends to capture the personality of the each graduating class and the key event of the year. 


红衣主教海斯高中的传教会, 以罗马天主教价值观为基础的社区, is to inspire diverse young men of the New York City metropolitan area to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. We will accomplish this goal by encouraging students' spiritual and intellectual growth through a rigorous college preparatory program of academics, 课外活动, 个人纪律.